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An Hour With Harriet

2012-04-30: I had the great pleasure of speaking with Harriet McDougal Rigney about her life. She's an amazing talent and person and it will take you less than an hour to agree.

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Your search for the tag 'legion tv series' yielded 1 results

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    Interview: Jan 6th, 2015

    Question (Paraphrased)

    Note from Wetlander: "This is one where the exact transcription is impossible because everyone is talking over and around one another. Basically a couple of fans were talking with Brandon about making Legion into a TV series; one person thought that in the pilot, the aspects need to be actors, while the other thought that (for the pilot only) they should not be seen, so Stephen looks like a wacky eccentric talking to himself about solving mysteries, and then the episodes would reveal the individuality of the aspects. Brandon agreed that the second approach would be very clever, but that it would be very hard to convince someone [not sure if it was himself, or the aspects, or who!] to do that, because he has them all cast in his head. But then there was this fun bit:

    Brandon Sanderson

    Normally I don't cast actors in the roles in my books, they're just who they are, but each of the aspects is an actor to me. If you look really closely, you might be able to guess who they are, because they're all famous actors.

    We sold it to Lionsgate, and they never made it, and the option lapsed. We've sold it to somebody else now, but we'll see if it ever gets made.
